Coway Smart Air
Breath easy with top of the line home air purification controlled through the cloud with an app on your smartphone.


Design a home air purifier with smart settings and device connection via the cloud. The accompanying mobile app can remote control the device from anywhere as well as provide real time information on regional, local, and in-home air quality.
Key Challenges
The design for the device UI needed to be intuitive to use for a global audience, specifically North American and Asia, which led to constraints on iconography resulting from differing cultural metaphors.
Did you know that an 'x' means "correct" in most Asian contexts? For example, an 'x' signifies a correct answer while grading papers in Japan.
That's why you typically see a green circle on point of sale systems rather than a checkmark, so that they can be sold in both markets without modifications. This is one difference to be aware of, but there are many others when designing for a global audience.
The app needed to provide the key functionality, smart control, air health analytics. The visual design direction was to communicate a feeling of freshness and cleanliness to the user.
Solution Highlights


App Visuals Exploration

Final App Visuals

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